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As Altcoins Take a Dip Against Bitcoin, One Crypto Analyst Breaks Down Opportunities for Traders

As Altcoins Take a Dip Against Bitcoin, One Crypto Analyst Breaks Down Opportunities for Traders

A widely followed crypto analyst is taking a look at the altcoin markets as they trade against Bitcoin (BTC). Crypto trader Michaël van de Poppe tells his 710,800 followers on the social media platfor...

发表于: 2024-04-04

Bitcoin Mining Ban Proposed in Paraguay Over Power Problems

Bitcoin Mining Ban Proposed in Paraguay Over Power Problems

A proposed law would ban more than Bitcoin mining in Paraguay, with critics saying it could also outlaw crypto staking and even wallets.

发表于: 2024-04-04

PayPal’s PYUSD stablecoin can now be used for cross-border transfers and payments

PayPal’s PYUSD stablecoin can now be used for cross-border transfers and payments

PayPal has integrated its PYUSD stablecoin with Xoom Finance, opening cross-border transfers for a wider audience.

发表于: 2024-04-04

Steve Cohen Predicts Mainstream Adoption of Four-Day WorkWeek

Steve Cohen Predicts Mainstream Adoption of Four-Day WorkWeek

The legendary investor of Fatherless Chase, Steve Cohen, made his bold assumption on Wednesday during CNBC’s Squawk Box while suggesting that the 5-day working calendar may become a thing of the past...

发表于: 2024-04-04

AI Coins: Voting For SingularityNET, Fetch AI, & Ocean Protocol Token Merger Goes Live

AI Coins: Voting For SingularityNET, Fetch AI, & Ocean Protocol Token Merger Goes Live

In a significant gust of developments, following SingularityNET, Fetch AI, and Ocean Protocol’s plans for a multi-billion token merger, SingularityNET recently spotlighted another advancement orbiting...

发表于: 2024-04-04

Paypal USD (PYUSD) Deployed As Funding Option On Xoom

Paypal USD (PYUSD) Deployed As Funding Option On Xoom

Xoom, PayPal’s cross-border money transfer service has launched a new funding option that will allow U.S. users to finance international transfers using PayPal USD (PYUSD), its dedicated stablecoin pe...

发表于: 2024-04-04



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